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From Membership Director Karen Blackburn

WISE gives you the opportunity to "do good" in the company of other community-minded folks through fundraising and service projects.  The funds we raise are awarded locally to support youth, families and community groups.  We do this by funding classroom grants for teachers from all Cook County Schools, providing support for organizations that support children and families, and by providing scholarships for higher education for Cook County graduates and adult learners.

We understand that life is busy and that making a year-round commitment is not possible for many.  There are no requirements to attend meetings, but when you join WISE you are pledging to pay annual dues, and participate in our major fundraisers: 

​1.  Assist with the Fisherman's Picnic Kickoff Buffet-in-a-Box event 

2.  Contribute to the November On-line Silent Auction. 


For those who have more time to contribute, WISE offers additional opportunities for leadership and social connection.  You may choose to serve on a committee to review and award grants, organize or join special service projects, initiate marketing and publicity campaigns, become a grant writer, or join the board to help set the direction of our organization. 

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A great way to get to know us and what we do is to come to one of our membership meetings.  During the meetings, members update the group about what they are working on, we discuss plans for future projects, budget updates are given by our treasurer, and many other things. 

Our Spring member meeting is held the third Tuesday of May at 5:30 pm. We meet at a Grand Marais restaurant so you can order food and drinks.  

If you are interested in coming to a meeting, or if you'd just like more information, please email me at

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